Dr Ian Beeton MD MRCP Consultant Cardiologist
Dr Ian Beeton MD MRCPConsultant Cardiologist 

Booked your appointment? Got a referral?


Please email your referral to Dr Beeton before your appointment, in case Dr Beeton would like you to have any tests before the consultation. Your GP or health assessment referral should include: resting ECG, blood test results (full blood count, renal function, liver function, thryoid function, HbA1c, and cholesterol), and a list of your current medication.


Please bring the following to your appointment:

  • a list of your current medication, 
  • a recent ECG if you have one, and
  • any recent blood test results



For more information and frequently asked questions including updated European guidelines on antibiotic requirement prior to dental procedures, please see my blog. 


Dr Ian Beeton MD MRCP


Consultant Cardiologist

Woking, Surrey


For cardiac MRI referrals

please email cmr.heartdoc@btinternet.com






Dr Beeton's private practice does not provide an emergency service.


If you have a medical emergency,

please dial 999.

If you need medical assistance,

please call 111.









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