Dr Ian Beeton MD MRCP Consultant Cardiologist with specialist interest in Cardiac Imaging Echocardiography and Cardiac MRI
Dr Ian Beeton MD MRCPConsultant Cardiologist with specialist interest in Cardiac ImagingEchocardiography and Cardiac MRI 

Important information


All private specialists have to register with the Information Commissioner's Office and ensure that patients' personal information is kept secure, and that you are aware of how you can access your records. Dr Beeton is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (Z1576598) for data protection purposes. 
Dr Beeton stores patient medical records in accordance with GDPR 2018. Patient information and clinical records are usually shared with the patient's GP for the purpose of ongoing treatment and care, unless requested by the patient not to do so. 
Clinical records are otherwise not shared with third parties, including family members, medical insurers or employers, unless specifically consented to do so. All Dr Beeton's clinic letters are sent to the patient's GP and copied to the patient, to ensure continuity of care between the GP service and the private specialist. Please let us know if you do not consent to us corresponding with your GP. 
Dr Beeton operates a paper-reduced office. This means that clinic notes, letters, reports, results and correspondence are stored electronically on a secure network. 
We use email and fax wherever possible to reduce our office costs. Clinic letters and correspondence sent by email will be password protected. Please let us know if you would prefer to receive our correspondence by post. 
All patients are entitled to request a copy of their clinical record. Patients with substantial records may be asked to pay postage for this service. 

Dr Ian Beeton MD MRCP


Consultant Cardiologist

Cardiac Imaging

Woking, Surrey


For cardiac MRI referrals

please email cmr.heartdoc@btinternet.com






Dr Beeton's private practice does not provide an emergency service.


If you have a medical emergency,

please dial 999.

If you need medical assistance,

please call 111.









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