Dr Ian Beeton MD MRCP Consultant Cardiologist with specialist interest in Cardiac Imaging Echocardiography and Cardiac MRI
Dr Ian Beeton MD MRCPConsultant Cardiologist with specialist interest in Cardiac ImagingEchocardiography and Cardiac MRI 

Complex Echocardiography


Dr Beeton has introduced a complex echocardiogram clinic in 2023.

This is a self pay clinic, mainly for patients needing stress echocardiogram, as required by Woking taxi licensing, Transport for London, and the DVLA. 

Clinics are held on a Tuesday at 5pm.


Complex echocardiogram fee (self pay only)                          £500.00


Due to restrictions on fees and non-payment by private medical insurers we regret that bubble echo, stress echo and trans-oesophageal echo are all self pay procedures only. We will not invoice insurers under any circumstances.


Please see Dr Beeton's blog for complex echocardiography fee information and patient information.

Dr Ian Beeton MD MRCP


Consultant Cardiologist

Cardiac Imaging

Woking, Surrey


For cardiac MRI referrals

please email cmr.heartdoc@btinternet.com






Dr Beeton's private practice does not provide an emergency service.


If you have a medical emergency,

please dial 999.

If you need medical assistance,

please call 111.









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